We close ALL Major Holidays

COVID Results

Thank you for choosing Skylands Urgent Care for your medical needs. A Covid-19 nasal swab test was performed today. It is not uncommon to experience some irritation or even some mild bleeding from the nose after the test. If these symptoms persist you may try over the counter nasal saline spray as a moisturizer.

Your test result will take about 3-5 days from the day it was collected to return. Please do not call the office for your test result.

For your Covid-19 test result, please use the following link:


1.   Be sure to wait 5-6 days before checking.

2.   Complete ALL fields including city and zip code.

3.   The city is Franklin and the zip code is 07416

You should self isolate/quarantine until your Covid test result is back please.

Again, thank you for choosing Skylands Urgent Care today.